GH joint stability



Compression of joint surfaces

Dynamic ligament tension

N-M control



Joint geometry


Ligamentous restraints

Soft tissue barrier

Glenoid labrum

only 25~30% of the humeral head is in contact with the glenoid fossa.





Dynamic factors

Rotator cuff

increase joint stability

increase joint compression







Function of rotator cuff






Relationship of supraspinatus & deltoid muscle





Force coupling compression force

Controlling shoulder motion and stability

Reduce anterior translation





Biceps long head

Attach on the anterior, superior glenoid


Contraction of biceps

Decrease in superior & anterior translation



GH joint biomechanics


First 30~60° scapular plane elevation: 1-3mm superior translation


30~60° lying supine abduction: 0.7mm inferior translation

not similarly recruit muscle activity


During passive glenohumeral motion, limited evidence demonstrates that during 30~60° superior translation occurs




GH joint 운동형상학(kinematics)

First 30~60° at scapular plane

0.7~2.7mm anterior translation



0~1.5mm posterior translation



1~4.5mm posterior translation


Exernal rotation is important for clearance of the greater tuberosity during elevation




Effect of external rotation during elevation

increase humeral external rotation at scapular plane than sagittal and coronal plane.

Exernal rotation

its associated tissues as it passes under the coracoacromial arch


Effect of humeral ER



GH Joint Kinematics


Subscapularis teres minor, infraspinatus contribute to depression of the humeral in the glenoid cavity more than does the supraspinatus. And/or provides dynamic stability to the GH joint during deltoid activation.





Subacromial space

Height of the subaromial space



At 90 elevation(healthy)


Shoulder impingement


6mm Superior displacement of humeral head if rotator cuff tear space effect






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