Phase3 (8~12weeks)



Minimal tensile strength in cuff repair (complete tendon to bone healing)




Periscapular OKC exe


CKC stability exe


1. isometric strength exe

2. dynamic hug(SA activeation)

* elbow FL45° ,shoulder AB 60°, IR45°

3. Band standing & prone row: Trapezius & Rhomboid(scapular stabilizer)

4. Biceps & triceps

* elastic band or without resistance

5. CKC(60~90°): weight shift- one hand support

*CKC stability exe : improved neuromuscular control & static stability

Remodeling repair tissue does not reach maximal tensile strength for a minimum of 12~16 weeks post repair

* Dynamic activity(after 10wks)

* AROM activity

* Avoid ER/IR band exe(only large & massive tear: at least 16wks)


Isotonic periscapular & CKC exercise

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