Phase3 (8~12weeks)



Minimal tensile strength in cuff repair (complete tendon to bone healing)




Periscapular OKC exe


CKC stability exe


1. isometric strength exe

2. dynamic hug(SA activeation)

* elbow FL45° ,shoulder AB 60°, IR45°

3. Band standing & prone row: Trapezius & Rhomboid(scapular stabilizer)

4. Biceps & triceps

* elastic band or without resistance

5. CKC(60~90°): weight shift- one hand support

*CKC stability exe : improved neuromuscular control & static stability

Remodeling repair tissue does not reach maximal tensile strength for a minimum of 12~16 weeks post repair

* Dynamic activity(after 10wks)

* AROM activity

* Avoid ER/IR band exe(only large & massive tear: at least 16wks)


Isotonic periscapular & CKC exercise

Phase2 (4~8weeks)



orienting fibers collagen matrix & enhancing tensile strength romodeling phase




Scapulo-thoracic kinematic


isometric exe


proprioception exe


* slow AROM in water, forward elevation(minimal RC activity)

muscle activation = AAROM > AROM in water

2. scapulo-thoracic kinematic

*scapular retraction/depression (reduced upper trapezius activity)

*supine punch plus(improved serratus anterior activity)

*side lying ER( infraspinatus & teres minor activity), scapular stabilization

* salute' exercise(initate recruitment supraspinatus)

-> progress full can activity : high supra activity

3. strengthening(isometric), proprioception exe : restore muscular balance

*submaximal isometric IR/ER

*OKC propriception exe - circle & alphabet, CKC exe at 8weeks

PSOT OP 0~6weeks

* Limited to 45° for small to large posterior-superior suff tears

-Limited to 0° (straight ahead)for massive tears and subscapularis tears(No AA,AROM)

-Full AROM(only small & medium tear)


Phase2 (4~8weeks)

Gradually restore muscle strengh and proprioception thereby establishing muscular balance


PSOT OP 0~6weeks

-Limited to 45° for small to large posterior-superior

cuff tears

-Limited to 0° (straight ahead)for massive tears and subscapularis tears(No AA,AROM)

-No active assisted motion

Active Range of Motion (6~12 weeks)



Use of AAROM during this timeframe

- including supine glenohumeral external and internal rotation with a cane as well as supine flextion with the assistance of the uninvoved limb

scapular plane

- shown to have less rotator cuff EMG activity, in terms of percent of maximal voluntary isometric contraction


- first 30~60° scapular plane elevation: superior translation

- 30~60° lying supine abduction: inferior translation


The salute exercise

- is an effective way to initiate recruitment of the supraspinatus muscle fibers


- This exercise can be progressed to "the full can acvivity", which is known th exhibit high supraspinatus muscle activity


Deltoid reeducation

This deltoid muscle rehabilitation regimen, associated with pain medication, was effective in improving the function and pain in elderly patients with massive cuff tears, reverse total shoulder arthroplasty



Isometric & muscle recruitment

Back & periscapular exe





Started CKC exercise

started closed chain stability exercises

* improve neuromuscular control of the shoulder complex

Rhythmic stabilization(supine, quadruped)

* increase muscle activation and improve static stability of the shoulder complex

The exercise may be started at elevations of 60° or less and then moved up to 90° as tissue healing allows.

3 weeks after surgery for glenoid labral repair or instability repair

5 weeks after rotator cuff repairs



Myers, Joseph B. shoulder muscle reflex latencies under various levels of muscle contraction. Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research. 407:92-101, February 2003.

Frederick A. Matsen, III, Caroline Chebli and Steven Lippitt. Principles for the Evaluation and Management of Shoulder Instability. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2006;88:647-659.

Morrey BF, An KN (1990) Biomechanics of the shoulder. In: Rockwood CR, Matsen FA (ed) The shoulder. Saunders, Philadelphia, pp 208245Google Scholar.

Philip Mcclure, Lori A. Michener. Direct 3-dimensional measurement of scapular kinematics during dynamic movements in vivo. Published in Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery 2001

Parsons IM1, Apreleva M, Fu FH, Woo SL. The effect of rotator cuff tears on reaction forces at the glenohumeral joint. J Orthop Res. 2002 May;20(3):439-46.


Young Jin Jo1, Young Kyun Kim. Consideration of Shoulder Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Exercise for Overhead Sports Population. Asian J Kinesiol 2019; 21(2): 40-50 · DOI:

Ofer Levy, Hannan Mullett, The role of anterior deltoid reeducation in patients with massive irreparable degenerative rotator cuff tears. Medicine Published in Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery2005 DOI:10.1016/j.jse.2008.04.005

Olivier A. van der Meijden, MD1. Rehabilitation after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: Current concepts review and evidence-based guidelines. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy · April 2012

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Glenohumeral Joint problem.(rotator cuff 편)



Glenohumeral Joint 의 정의


Rotator cuff 소개


Rotator cuff 중요성


Rotator cuff repair


Rotator cuff repair reheb protocol



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